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CAD Down Process- updated 2/20/2025

A new CAD Down process has been developed with multiple goals in

mind. This process aims to allow crews to post and finalize charts

during a CAD Down situation and streamline the reconciliation process

for PODS members to efficiently process CAD Down charts.

Validation rules and visibility settings have been changed to allow for

this process to override blank Incident and Response number fields-

typically fields that must be filled in for a chart to be posted. Instead,

when the Incident and Response number fields are blank but the “Unit

Back in Service Date/Time is not blank, a “CAD Down” panel will

appear in the “Dispatch/Response” section. This panel will contain a

yes/no answer question: “Is your CAD available to download?” This

should serve as a double check for the crew member that they’ve

attempted to download the CAD record prior to using this process.

If the crew member answers “No”, two free text fields will appear (CAD

Down Incident Number and CAD Down Response Number) as well as

the following instructions: “If CAD data is not available please

document your incident and response number below. This is only to be

used during a CAD outage.” The crew member can then enter what

they believe their Incident and Response numbers are supposed to be,

or type in “Unknown” if they don’t know that information. If both of

these “CAD Down” Incident and Response number fields are

completed, the chart will validate to a score of 100 and is able to be

posted and finalized.

This process should only be used when CAD data is truly unavailable.

Each CAD Down chart requires a member of the PODS team to

manually correct the chart after it is finalized, enabling correct data

tracking and export, but resulting in an additional workload.

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  1. Tyler Cominsky

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
