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Our flight was missed but we still went by ground. . . where is the CAD file?

Because this didn't turn into a flight, there is no Unit Dispatched or Unit Acknowledged time in the Golden Hour CAD.    Because of this missing data the ImageTrend system puts in a 12/31/1899 date for the the missing times.   That is the reason you cannot find your CAD.

To find your CAD you will need to change what you are searching for.  Clear the Unit Notified Date range at the top (click the black circle with the X in it) and change the Order By to Incident Number (Descending).  

Click the GO button below the Call Sign drop down.   This will put the Incident numbers in descending order.  Scroll down until you find your CAD file.   Once you have downloaded it into your incident make sure all of your incorrect 1899 date/times are corrected.

Choose files or drag and drop files
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