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CAD Down Process- updated 2/20/2025
Documenting Base Excess. . . . How do I document a negative value?
When I click in the field to enter the Main Area of the Vehicle Impacted by the Collision the graphical interface doesn't show up. What do I do?
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Zoll Cloud
I cannot get my Zoll Monitor connected via Bluetooth to the crew iPad or iPhone. How do I get it connected?
I have been told to contact Zoll Cloud. What is contact info?
How do I update the 12-Lead Distribution on the Zoll Monitor?
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What do I do If I am unable to add my CAD/Incident number or CAD is down?
How do I download a CAD file into my incident?
My times are not correct. We had a scene flight that turned into an Interfacility Transport. What do I do?
See all 8 articles »
What is the preferred WiFi connection at the base?
My ZAGG Keyboard doesn't work. . . What do I do to make the internal keyboard work in Elite Field?
How do I clear the History and Web Data on the iPad?
The keyboard has lost its Bluetooth connection to the iPad. How do I get it connected again?
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DEMO Training
AEL Training Incidents
Clinical CQI
I cannot do CQI. . . says there is an error initializing CQI Review. What do I do?